- 10000m²
- 工厂占地面积
- 1000 +套
- 年生产力
- 27 +年
- 生产历史
- 2000 +家
- 全国案例见证
CT_CSZR controller is designed for the controller platform dehumidifier reheat logic development, it uses MICROCHIP chip as CPU, the phase function of real time monitoring of three-phase circuit, single or double compressor set by dial switch; automatic or linkage work mode. In the same block board realized the digital input, digital output, analog input, analog output interface, the main controller so that the controller is applicable to the small simple equipment as the.
2、基本参数the basic parameters
项目 说明Description of the project
电源 输入电源:24V DC The power input power: 24V DC
功耗:300ma Power: 300mA
数字量输入 点数:8 Digital input the number: 8
电气隔离:光藕隔离 Electrical isolation optocoupler isolation:
数字量输出 点数:10 The digital output points: 10
输出类型:继电器 5A/250V AC Output type: 5A/250V AC relay
模拟量输入 点数:3 Analog input the number: 3
输入信号:NTC传感器,R25=10K±1% B25/50=3435±1%
Input signal: NTC sensor, R25=10K + 1% B25/50=3435 + 1%
拨码开关 位数:2位 Dial switch numbers: 2
Purpose: to set the single or double compressor mode; external control (linkage mode) or NTC sensor control mode (automatic mode).
按键 个数:3个,分别是:增加、减少、设定
A key number: 3, respectively is: increase, decrease, set
Usage: used for parameter setting
显示 3位数码管显示,温湿度显示分辨率达到0.1
Display 3 digital tube display, temperature and humidity display resolution of 0.1
Uses: used to display temperature and setting parameters
3、控制板详解 detailed control board
3.1 I/O口说明
3.1 I/O port description
3.1.1 数字量输入
3.1.1 digital quantity input
Summary - switch quantity input signal
标号 名称 类型 功能 备注
Label name type memo
I1 一号压缩机过载 开关:断开正常 用于一号压缩机过载保护
A number of I1 compressor overload switch: normally open for a number of compressor overload protection
I3 一号压缩机低压报警 开关:闭合正常 用于一号压缩机吸气压力过低保护过载保护 低压故障延时确认
A number of I3 compressor low pressure alarm switch: closed normal for a number of low suction pressure of compressor overload protection protection of low voltage fault delay confirmation
I4 二号压缩机过载 开关:断开正常 用于二号压缩机过载保护
I4 two compressor overload switch: normally open for two compressor overload protection
I6 二号压缩机低压报警 开关:闭合正常 用于二号压缩机吸气压力过低保护过载保护 低压故障延时确认
I6 two compressor low pressure alarm switch: closed normal for two low suction pressure of compressor overload protection protection of low voltage fault delay confirmation
I8 风机运行连锁信号 开关:闭合正常 外部连锁信号 为1时,系统允许启动
I8 fan operation chain signal switch: closed normal external linkage signal is 1, the system allows the start
I9 一号压缩机启停信号 开关:闭合正常 外部启停一号压缩机信号
A number of I9 compressor start and stop signal switch: closed normal external start stop number one compressor signal
I10 一号压缩机启停信号 开关:闭合正常 外部启停二号压缩机信号
A number of I10 compressor start and stop signal switch: closed normal external start stop number two compressor signal
I11 系统自动/联动控制接点 开关:闭合正常 用于选择控制方式 为0联动
I11 system for automatic / linkage control switch contact: closed normally used for control mode selection for the 0 linkage
3.1.2 模拟量输入
3.1.2 analog input
输入信号汇总表-模拟量 R25=10K±1% B25/50=3435±1%
Summary - analog input signal of R25=10K + 1% and B25/50=3435 + 1%
标号 名称 类型 功能 备注
Label name type memo
NTC1 抽湿再热前温度(前温) NTC 用于启动抽湿再热系统 T1
NTC1 dehumidification reheat temperature before (pre temperature) NTC is used to start the dehumidifying reheat system T1
NTC2 抽湿再热后温度(后温) NTC 显示送风温度 T2
NTC2 pumping temperature wet reheat (temperature) NTC showed that air temperature T2
NTC3 新风温度(新温) NTC 用于系统启动限制 T3
NTC3 fresh air temperature (Xin Wen) NTC for the system startup limit T3
3.1.3 数字量输出
The 3.1.3 digital output
Summary - switch quantity output signal (relay output)
标号 名称 类型 功能 备注
Label name type memo
R01 一号压缩机启停控制 开关:闭合有效 控制一号压缩机的运行
Stop control switch Rev R01 a number: a number of closed compressor effectively control the operation of the compressor
R02 二号压缩机启停控制 开关:闭合有效 控制二号压缩机的运行
Stop control switch Rev R02 No. two: effective control of No. two closed compressor compressor operation
R05 一号压缩机运行指示 开关:闭合有效 外接一号压缩机运行指示灯 运行时输出
A number of R05 compressor operating instructions: output switch closed effective external operating a number of compressor indicator operation
R06 二号压缩机运行指示 开关:闭合有效 外接二号压缩机运行指示灯 运行时输出
R06 two compressor running indicator switch: output closed effective external run No. two compressor indicator lamp operation
R07 一号压缩机故障指示 开关:闭合有效 外接一号压缩机故障指示灯 故障时输出
R07 a number of compressor fault indicator switch: output closed effective external one compressor malfunction indicator lamp fault
R08 二号压缩机故障指示 开关:闭合有效 外接二号压缩机故障指示灯 故障时输出
Fault R08 two compressor indicator switch: output closed effective external two compressor malfunction indicator lamp fault
R09 一号压缩机运行监控 开关:闭合正常 反馈一号压缩机的运行信号 正常运行时为1,故障为0
A number of R09 compressor operation monitoring switch: running normal feedback signal closing a number of the compressor is 1, the fault is 0
R10 二号压缩机运行监控 开关:闭合正常 反馈二号压缩机的运行信号 正常运行时为1,故障为0
R10 two compressor operation monitoring switch: running closed normal feedback signal No. two of the compressor is 1, the fault is 0
R11 一号压缩机故障监控 开关:闭合正常 反馈一号压缩机的故障信号 正常运行时为1,故障为0
R11 a number of compressor fault monitoring switch: the normal operation of the normal fault signal feedback closed a number of the compressor is 1, the fault is 0
R12 二号压缩机故障监控 开关:闭合正常 反馈二号压缩机的故障信号 正常运行时为1,故障为0
R12 two compressor fault monitoring switch: the normal operation of the fault signal feedback closed normal No. two of the compressor is 1, the fault is 0